mogoče bi se lahko zaljubil vate / maybe i could fall in love with you

mogoče bi se lahko zaljubil vate

williamu cliffu         

amour perdu
prebiram tvoje besede
potapljam se vate
in zapiram oči

v tvojih pesmih sem se
zaljubil v odmev
neke druge duše
spominjam se
njegovih iskanj
njegovih objemov
kadar je bil čisto malo pijan
(zaradi bolečine)
njegovih dolgih pogledov
skozi cigaretni dim
do dna vseh skrivnosti
(si se tudi ti kdaj bal ljubezni?)

mogoče bi se lahko zaljubil vate
ko rečeš
da te pisanje osrečuje
in nasmeh omehča
poteze na tvojem obrazu
ali takrat
ko iščeš ljubimca za čas
ko ptice odletijo na jug

mogoče bi se lahko zaljubil vate
ko se hočeš izpraskati iz sveta teme
ko grizeš žalost
in požiraš solze za prijateljem
ki je odšel od tebe
v tišini

v jezik bi lovil kaplje bruseljskega dežja
pomešane s slino
francoščine tvojih poljubov
čeprav mi je šestnajst let le še takrat
kadar sem noro zadet

na koncu dneva
se spojiva v poslednji pesmi
dotaknem se tvoje samotne golote
in zašepetam
naj te ne bo strah
ker še ni čas

maybe i could fall in love with you

to william cliff

amour perdu
i'm perusing your words
i'm diving into you
and i'm closing my eyes

in your poems
i fell in love with the echo
of another soul
i remember
his quests
his hugs
when he used to be just a little bit drunk
(because of the pain)
his long gazes
through the smoke of a cigarette
to the bottom of every secret
(were you ever afraid of love too?)

maybe i could fall in love with you
when you say
that writing is happiness
and a smile softens
features of your visage
or when
you seek for a lover
when birds take wings to the south

maybe i could fall in love with you
when you want to scratch yourself out of the world of darkness
when you are biting your sadness
and swallowing tears for a friend
who left you
in silence

i would catch drops of the brussels rain in my tongue
mixed with saliva
of the french of your kisses
although i am sixteen years old
only when i am totally stoned

at the end of the day
we couple in the last poem
i touch your solitary nakedness
and i whisper
don't be afraid
because the time hasn't come yet

© Aleks 2015

Datum objave: 11. 11. 2015

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