moja dežela gori
(moji Grčiji)
moja dežela gori.
ogenj golta sledi
nekega davnega potepanja,
ko sem se zaljubil
v vrtoglavi objem tvojih oči,
v vročico tvojih zanosnih poljubov,
v mehkobo tvojega jezika,
v tvoj s'agapo.
rekel si mi,
dal ti bom to deželo,
položil ti jo bom v srce,
da je ne boš nikoli pozabil,
in dal si mi jo za vedno,
njeno dušo,
njeno svetlobo,
njeno moč.
s poezijo svojega telesa
si v steze mojega spominjanja
zarisal slano modrino njenega neba,
pogum njenih pesmi,
ponos njenih moških,
lepih in temnih kot bolečina ljubezni,
ki ni mogla obstati,
čeprav sem bil tvoj (in ti moj),
ko sva gorela midva,
na belih ranah zgodovine,
kjer si zame oživljal stare legende,
v senci oljk,
kjer sem se skozi tvoje dlani dotikal oblakov,
med zgodbami in junaki tvoje domovine,
ki je postala moja,
ki je ostala moja,
kot tisto noro poletje,
ko sva vso svojo strast
vžgala v mlečni soj plamenov
nekega pozabljenega svetilnika,
ki še vedno odseva naju
na najlepšem otoku sveta.
nocoj jokam tvojo žalost.
ne zameri mi.
ničesar nočem od tebe.
samo moje solze vzemi,
naj pogasijo rdeče zublje
in ugasnejo tvoje gorje
v temi.
© Aleks 2007
my country is burning
(to my Greece)
my country is burning.
fire is devouring the trails
of a distant journey
when i fell in love
with the dizzy embraces of your eyes
with the fever of your passionate kisses
with the tenderness of your language
with your s'agapo.
you said,
i'll give you this country,
i'll put it into your heart,
so you'll never forget it,
and you gave it to me for good,
its soul,
its brightness,
its strength.
with the poesy of your body
you wrote down into the paths of my remembrance
the salt blueness of its skies,
courage of its songs,
pride of its men,
beautiful and dark as the pain of love
that couldn't survive
albeit i was yours (and you were mine),
when we were burning
on the white wounds of history
where you resurrected the old legends of the past,
in the shadow of olive trees
where i touched the clouds through your palms,
amidst the stories and heroes of your homeland
that has become mine
that will always be mine
as that deranged summer
when we burned our passions
into the milky flames
of a long-forgotten lighthouse
that is still reflecting us
on the most beautiful island in the world.
tonight i'm crying your sorrow.
don't take it amiss.
i don't want anything from you.
just please take my tears,
let them extinguish the flames
and switch off your grief
in the dark.
© Aleks 2007